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How to create a custom default project area in QM

Elenilson Chiarapa (1318) | asked Dec 12 '16, 8:06 a.m.
 Good morning everyone!

Is there any way to create a tab in the QM project area dashboard, with custom widgets, and keep this as a standard project area?
This design area would be used as a template whenever a new design area was created.
By the tests that I performed, QM does not copy such a structure, keeping only what is native to the process template.

Thank you.

Elenilson Chiarapa

One answer

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Dec 12 '16, 11:34 p.m.
You can follow the instruction in knowledge center For the project dashboard, you need to add custom viewlet under "${scope}(project)".

Elenilson Chiarapa commented Dec 13 '16, 12:09 p.m.

Hi Lily Wang!

Thank you so much by the answer!


Chiarapa, Elenilson

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