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Can test script types be removed from Type drop-down menu in a test script?

Brett Bohnn (94111157) | asked Dec 05 '16, 7:26 p.m.

Can script types be removed from this drop-down? I don't think so but wanted to confirm.


5 answers

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Mehul Patel (9695) | answered Jul 17 '17, 5:35 a.m.


You can set the remote script type using syntax 'remotescript.type', please refer file 'Testcase with Remote Scripts 001.cfg' from Sample folder for syntax reference.


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Krupa Gunhalkar (4512) | answered Dec 06 '16, 9:25 a.m.
Hi Brett,

You are right, script types can't be removed from this drop-down, since these are all predefined script types.

Thanks and Regards,
Krupa Gunhalkar

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kesav d (19117) | answered Jul 11 '17, 7:44 a.m.

 how to set rational robot as default value when opening a new test script.

Krupa Gunhalkar commented Jul 11 '17, 9:01 a.m.

Hi Kesav,

We cannot set rational robot as default value or for that matter any of these types as default , since this list is pre populated and sorted alphabetically.

Krupa Gunhalkar

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kesav d (19117) | answered Jul 11 '17, 9:15 a.m.
edited Jul 11 '17, 9:16 a.m.

 thanks krupa.

I have another req.i am trying to import test cases - test script using rqm excel.importer.i need to automate using selenium  for which parameters like test script type as "junit selenium " to be set for all test cases say 1000 .if it can't be changed how is it possible to do manually for 1k test cases.kindly suggest how to change the test script.types as " junit selenium" while importing w.r.tto configuration file.

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kesav d (19117) | answered Jul 17 '17, 5:40 a.m.

 thanks mehul.

it would be very help ful if you can mail me those scripts ,in fact i almost spend a day in searching those in google and above said folders but failed miserably.
1. remotescript.type
2.testcase with Remote Scripts 001.cfg'
it would be great if you can mail those .
thanks a lot in advance.

Mehul Patel commented Jul 18 '17, 8:58 a.m.


These sample files are getting copied to install location, on my system it is at default location 'C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\RQMExcelImporter\Samples'. (for 64-bit version try at 'C:\Program Files\IBM\RQMExcelImporterX64\Samples')


kesav d commented Jul 19 '17, 4:36 a.m.

 thanks mehul ,i check both the folder ,couldn't find it .is it possible for you to mail those pls

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