Fields that carry over when generating execution record
Is it possible to create a custom category that would carry over from a test case to a test case execution record. For e.g, the priority field is carried over from the test case to the TCER. So if the test case is set as "High" priority, the the generated TCER wil also carry over the "High" priority. We would like to create a custom category that would have the same behaviour. Is this possible?
Accepted answer
Hello, starting 6.0.3 you can have a "Global category" with scope of TCER and Test case. To create a global category go to "Manage Project Properties" -> "Artifact Categories" -> "Global Categories", create a new category using the top green plus button, then open the context menu, click on "Modify global scope" and check on Test Case Execution Record and Test Case, uncheck all others. After complete the above steps you will see it in both, TCERs and Test Cases.