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RM - Changing Bulk Artifacts Attributes in Doors NG v6.0.2

Support Arqitek (116) | asked Oct 06 '16, 12:39 p.m.
Changing attributes in Bulk (200 artefacts) in Doors NG is very slow
- Issue: changing the attribute of 200 artefacts (i.e. more that 5mins)
- Doors Version: Doors NG v6.0.2

Doors NG is being used to manage requirements for a Construction Project
- It takes a very long time to change an attribute in bulks for artefacts in a module
- Number of Artefacts selected in the module: 200 artefacts 

The server performance seems fine (with no issues reporting on CPU, Memory, HD, Network…)
- What can be done to optimise the performance of bulk attribute change?

Donald Nong commented Oct 07 '16, 12:01 a.m.

Nothing against you, but 5-minute run time would translate to less than 2 seconds for updating a single artifact, which sounds quite reasonable to me.

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