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RQMExcelWordImporter 5.0.2 .. Cannnot validate user

Shanthi Natarajan (213) | asked Oct 03 '16, 1:49 p.m.
Hi All,
I am using RCLM 5.0.2, Excel 2013 32-bit and installed for exporting and importing testcases into qm.
Recently I upgraded to TLS1.2 .. Now I am unable to validate to the Quality manager. The error report is as follows,
10/3/2016 10:41:17 PM:
SESSION: 10/3/2016 10:41:17 PM

10/3/2016 10:41:17 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: RQMExporter created!

10/3/2016 10:41:17 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: RQMExporter Startup!

10/3/2016 10:41:17 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: Mso2Rqm: Mso2Rqm instantiated

10/3/2016 10:41:17 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: ExcelApplicationContext: Destroyed commands

10/3/2016 10:41:17 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: caption : RQM

10/3/2016 10:41:17 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: ExcelApplicationContext: Created commands

10/3/2016 10:42:41 PM: ERROR: <Unknown Caller Context>: failed to get from server: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.

10/3/2016 10:42:41 PM: ERROR: <Unknown Caller Context>: RQMConnector: Login - Error POSTing credentials to https://XXXXXXXXXX:9444/qm

10/3/2016 10:42:41 PM: EXCEPTION: : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

10/3/2016 10:42:41 PM:    at Mso2Rqm_Common.RQMConnector.GetFromServer(String url)
   at Mso2Rqm_Common.RQMConnector.Login(String url, String username, String password)

Kindly help on this. Before migration to TLS 1.2 the imports were working fine.

2 answers

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Shanthi Natarajan (213) | answered Oct 03 '16, 9:28 p.m.
The answer to my question is that I have to uninstall RQM add-in from Excel using the Control Panel and then use the RQMExcelImporterSetupForDotNET45.msi  from the package so that TLS1.2 enabled RCLM server can communicate with the client.
I lost a day figuring out that RQMExcelImporterSetupForDotNET45.msi is inside and not available for download directly from the internet  :(.

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Salman Shaikh (23413875) | answered Oct 03 '16, 6:38 p.m.
Let me clear you one point over here . You are using Office 32 Version and unknowingly you have installed 64 bit of RQM-Extras-RQMExcelWordImporter-5.0.2 Utility. So remove the 64 bit utility and install 32 bit one.

Note : 32 bit Utility will be installed in Program files X86 folder inside C Drive. Hope so this may solve the Problem.

Shanthi Natarajan commented Oct 03 '16, 9:18 p.m.

Salman ... Installation is correct and it was working prior to migration to TLS1.2.

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