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RTC SCM DIFF Changeset: Output is a large file and different from actual

Ayse Bener (115) | asked Sep 23 '16, 1:21 p.m.
I want to see the difference between two changesets by running 
lscm diff changeset 5915 changeset 5914 -r REPO -u USER -P Password 
lscm diff changeset 5913 changeset 5915 -r REPO -u USER -P Password 

Note: Changeset IDs are valid. 

 The diff command returns a huge file (4,478kb, 3008 pages - 10 font size). 

Whereas RTC shows only a one line of change in the copyright statement. I wonder if someone insider can help me figure out why diff command returns bulk of data that is very different from the actual changes when seen in the RTC.

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Dean Roberts (26) | answered Sep 23 '16, 4:05 p.m.
 The command you show above is asking for a diff between two change sets.  Not just between two files.  I suspect there really are that many changes in the change sets listed.

Remember that if you run a show history command on a file

scm show history "foo.txt" -r repo

And you get a result like:

(1234) ----$ Dean Roberts "make some cool changes" 09-22-16
(5678) ----$ Karen Colvin "some more cool changes" 01-22-16

Those two items that are listed are change sets that this file is included in.  You don't really know how many files are in each of the two change sets.  In fact, in normal development, most change sets will contain many files.

So if you perform 

scm diff changeset 1234 changeset 5678 -r repo

You will get a diff of all changes between all files in the two change sets.

If you want to scope the diff to a particular file you would need to add the -f command

scm diff changeset 1234 changeset 5678 -repo -f <path>/foo.txt

Where path is the sandbox relative path to the file.  IE if your file was in /users/dean/sandbox/myDir/foo.txt and the sandbox root was /users/dean/sandbox then you would specify -f myDir/foo.txt

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