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Not getting data in report builder

Ilona Krammer (159549) | asked Sep 21 '16, 9:04 a.m.
I am not getting any data whatsoever in my report builder - I cannot choose a project and I can't choose any work item types.
The data warehouse is connected but it doesn't seem to do anything at all.

I don't even have an idea where to look to be honest. I connected the data source and everything seems to be fine - it just isn't working at all...

Please help! (it's really driving me quite crazy cause I haven't been able to find anything with web searches or anything)

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Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | answered Sep 21 '16, 9:18 a.m.
A few things I can think of...  

1) Do you have explicit access to any of the projects?  If you're not a member of any projects you won't see them  (even as a Jazz Admin or report admin)

2) Try refreshing the data source in Report Builder.  This will rebuild the meta-model that Report Builder uses to display the data like your project list, work item types, and so on.  In the Admin section in Report Builder, go into your individual data source and click the 'Refresh' button.

Ilona Krammer commented Sep 21 '16, 9:23 a.m.

I do have access to the project areas - I also have some work items assigned to me and in report builder I can even see them if I choose "work items" instead of "reports" on the top right.

But I still can't see anything in the report builder and I am not getting any projects to choose from.

I also tried to refresh the data connection but that didn't help either unfortunately..

Don Yang commented Sep 21 '16, 7:14 p.m.

. Are you sure you are the members of those project areas?
. does data warehouse itself work? you may try to run some out of box report from dashboard and see if it works and check with data warehouse data collection jobs status and see if they were run up to date successfully.

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