BUILD FAILED: The following record was not found in the database.

The RTC Server is installed on Windows in this case.
An z/OS Dependency Build fails with the above mentioned reason. (The following record was not found in the database). the UUID of that record belongs to the buildresult.
log as text:
* CRJAZ0215E The following record was not found in the database: (stateId: null, itemId: [UUID _OVCjIHaGEeawvLya02d54A], origin: <unset>, immutable: <unset>)
* at
* CRJAZ0215E The following record was not found in the database: (stateId: null, itemId: [UUID _OVCjIHaGEeawvLya02d54A], origin: <unset>, immutable: <unset>)
* at
Would someone hint, why the "buildResultUUID" record can't be found in the database? thank you.
Accepted answer

Build results can be deleted from the "Builds" view in the RTC Eclipse client. Perhaps someone accidentally deleted it from there?
Also build results are periodically pruned. If you open the Build Definition, you can see the "Pruning Policy" section on the bottom right of the editor. This shows you how many successful and failed builds to keep. Perhaps this number is too low, and you have too many builds or builds are being requested too fast/often that the build pruning is happening more often than you would like.