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Calculated Values - Setting current date

Akshay Panchakshari (37429) | asked Sep 02 '16, 3:14 a.m.
edited Sep 02 '16, 3:34 a.m.
I have 3 Timestamp fields that needs to set to current date based on the 3 values (1,2,3) selection in a enumerated field.
For example-
When i select 1 the first date field should be set to current date.
When i select 2 the second date field should be set to current date (Without losing the value for first field)
When i select 3 the third date field should be set to current date. (Without losing the value for first or second field)

Now the problem is when i select 1 the first date field gets set to current date which is as expected. When i select 2 the second date field gets set to current date but here I also lose the value for the first date field which was set when i selected 1. same thing happens when i select 3.

Any advice on how can achieve this without losing any values ?

Below is the script i am using-

dojo.require(""); // We need the date class from Dojo to compare two dates
dojo.require(""); // We need the stamp class to work with ISO date strings

(function() {
    dojo.declare("com.example.script.CurrDateForOne", null, {

        getValue: function(attribute, workItem, configuration) {
            //get the current date
            var date=new Date();
            var, {milliseconds:true, zulu:true});
            console.log("Date: "+currDate);
            //get the current status
            var status=workItem.getValue("");
            console.log("Status: "+status);
            if(status === ""){               
                return currDate ;

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Dinesh Kumar B (4.1k413) | answered Sep 03 '16, 11:56 a.m.
edited Sep 03 '16, 11:57 a.m.
HI Akshay,

I modified the conditions a bit and it seems to be working, check the below revised code :

dojo.require(""); // We need the date class from Dojo to compare two dates
dojo.require(""); // We need the stamp class to work with ISO date strings
     dojo.declare("com.example.script.CurrDateForOne", null,
        getValue: function(attribute, workItem, configuration)
            var date=new Date();
            var, {milliseconds:true, zulu:true});
            var status=workItem.getValue("");
             if (attribute === "stat1date" && status === "reviewStatusEnum.literal.l2")
                 return currDate;
                 return workItem.getValue("stat1date");


Guess you plan to have a total of three scripts, each watching over their attribute values in the condition internally.
I tried to get one script for all three attributes but it seemed to be tricky.. three separate scripts do the trick easily instead...

hope this helps.
Akshay Panchakshari selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Akshay Panchakshari (37429) | answered Sep 06 '16, 2:45 a.m.
Hi Dinesh

Thank you for the reply. Yes i tried with above script it works perfectly fine!!
Another way to do the same would be as follows-

dojo.require(""); // We need the date class from Dojo to compare two dates
dojo.require(""); // We need the stamp class to work with ISO date strings

(function() {
    dojo.declare("com.example.script.CurrDateForApprovedDPL", null, {

        getValue: function(attribute, workItem, configuration) {
            var resultDate= null;

            //Current value set in date field
            console.log("Current value set is : "+currDateValue);
            //get the current date
            var date=new Date();
            var, {milliseconds:true, zulu:true});
            //get the current status
            var status=workItem.getValue("");
            console.log("Status: "+status);
            if(currDateValue != null){
                if(status === ""){               
            return resultDate;   

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