Fetch active enumeration literals using REST API.
I'm trying to fetch the unarchived Enumeration literals associated to an attribute using the REST API. This enumeration contains both Archived and Unarchived values. I can fetch the entire list of enumeration literals using
https://hostname:9443/jazz/oslc/enumerations/_LcIiUISREeWSsPcl7d0Qlg/enumerationid and https://hostname:9443/jazz/oslc/enumerations/_LcIiUISREeWSsPcl7d0Qlg/enumerationid?includeArchived=false
If i look at the project xml source, there is a Archived=true tag on all Archived values.
<literal archived="true" externalValue="01254" id="enumerationid" name="Literal1"/>
Is there a way to fetch only the Unarchived values and leave the Archived ones as it is?