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How to force the language in Jazz Reporting Server?

Shubhangi yadav (1328) | asked Aug 09 '16, 4:00 a.m.
edited Jan 27 '21, 5:28 a.m. by Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103)

Hi Team,

Is it possible to change the report language in Jazz Report Builder(JRS) like German to english?

4 answers

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Steven Shaw (55113) | answered Aug 09 '16, 8:56 a.m.
 Hello Shubhangi,

The Report Builder will respect the default language of the browser.  All the supported languages for CLM are part of the Report Builder application by default.  Consequently all you need to do is switch your browser settings to have the language of your choice as the default.  Report Builder is built on a different component stack then the other CLM applications and is likely not consistent with how they behave (as per Ralph's answer above).

However, it's possible that you may want your browser in your native language for other web applications you use but then use the Report Builder in a standard language of the company you work for (i.e. English).  We recognize this might be a valuable workflow and the following work item tracks this support: 397250: Implement the ability to override the browser language setting in JRS



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Alexander Burk (2728) | answered May 05 '17, 7:53 a.m.
edited Jan 27 '21, 5:26 a.m. by Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103)

To close the topic:

- Server flag in can be set to force a specific language:

Enforce a specific on-screen language in the user interface instead of relying on the user's browser locale selection

The language tag should be in IETF BCP47 format: e.g. en-US, ja, es, fr, pt-BR, etc.

locale.override=<language tag>

- I found out that the locale setting in the browser of the user is a little bit tricky. Be sure that the desired language is on top (priority) of all languages. Also try "different" languages of the same like "en" and "en-US" etc. Don't forget to restart the browser.

Please notice that changing this property requires JRS server restart.

Thanks for the help @Ralph and Steven

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 09 '16, 4:06 a.m.

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Alexander Burk (2728) | answered Mar 20 '17, 8:49 a.m.
edited Mar 20 '17, 8:50 a.m.

Hello Ralph hello Steven,

Thanks for the link Ralph. Unfortunately this is restricted to administrative user. For end users this is no option to change the language.

@Steven, are there any further restrictions you know of that change the language of JRS? My browser (Firefox) has german UI but JRS is in english (which is perfectly fine for me but the behavior is not like you mentioned). Changing the language in about:config - general.useragent.locale to another locale doesn't affect JRS even after restarting ff.

Regarding work item 397250 how can you change the JRS language in 6.0.3?

Best regards

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