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RTC: Get list of WorkItem for chosen attributes at chosen date/time

George Deak (114) | asked Jul 29 '16, 3:24 a.m.
Is it possible to retrieve data as listed in the title? The chosen date/time will be any chosen time in the past.

At the date/time July 7th / 12:00, the list of WI with Status: 'In Progress'
At the date/time July 8th / 12:00, the list of WI with Status: 'In Progress'

I see a couple forum questions using api that seem similar though not quite the same question.

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 29 '16, 3:45 a.m.
edited Jul 29 '16, 4:13 a.m.
The work Item queries only see the current values. If at all, you would have to use reporting. I am not familiar enough with reporting to know for sure, but I would not assume I can't report about this specific content. I would assume you could potentially do trends, but probably not get at the details.

What would be the purpose of this report? If you must have the data, but can't get t it otherwise, I would suggest to create an automation that is run on  a regular basis and puts the work item ID's in a CSV file for each day.

George Deak commented Jul 30 '16, 1:26 a.m.

Thank you Ralph. The purpose is to get the (approximate) number of times an attribute has changed. The automation idea sounds very practical.

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Miguel Tomico (5001423) | answered Jul 29 '16, 6:19 a.m.

I see several options:

  1. Use JRS.
  2. Create an automation that is run on a regular basis and puts the work item ID's in a CSV file for each day, as Ralph suggested.
  3. Use the RTC API to generate such report. This requires effort to implement it, and the time required to run may be considerable, depending on the number of work items to retrieve, as it needs to go through the history of each one.

Hope this helps.

George Deak commented Jul 30 '16, 1:29 a.m.

Thank you Miguel for clarifying. Your idea about using RTC API to generate the report is very insightful.

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