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Creates invalid users when importing work items

nannette Mori (50984) | asked Jul 25 '16, 4:50 p.m.
retagged Aug 05 '16, 3:15 p.m. by Ken Tessier (84117)

Problem1: when importing work items invalid users are beginning created

Problem 2: or it defaults the user name that has been archived instead of defaulting the valid user

Assumption:  We know the user name has to match exactly to user name stored in user database

Question 1: Why does the import create users that are not in the user database?

Question 2: Why does it default an  archived user name instead of the valid user name

If I import a large amount of work items and the users are invalid or its using an archived user name then the user does not receive email regarding the action item assigned to him.

The import itself is a matter of minutes but to have to review each workitem for every user field on the form to verify the correct user has been defaulted takes hours, (time I don't have)

I need a solution when importing not to create invalid users and using the archived user name instead of a solution

or is there not a solution?

sam detweiler commented Jul 25 '16, 6:03 p.m.

we had to write a script to fix the spreadsheet values to not create incorrect userids

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Ken Tessier (84117) | answered Aug 05 '16, 3:14 p.m.
Not sure if this applies to your situation, but the Importing work items from a CSV file contains this information about user IDs:

The following mapping rules apply when you use the Import Work Items wizard.
  • If necessary, when the import process creates new work items, it can create Jazz user accounts to populate the user ID fields. For the import process to create user accounts, you must have JazzAdmins repository group permissions.
    Note: If you import into a repository that uses LDAP, import the users from LDAP before you import work items.
  • If the user ID in the imported CSV file is either "Unassigned" or a case-insensitive variant of this spelling, for example, "unassigned" or "UnAssigneD", the target user ID is mapped to "Unassigned".
  • If the user ID in the imported CSV file is an empty string ("") and the update is to an existing work item, the target user ID is not updated.
  • If the user ID in the imported CSV file is an empty string ("") and a new work item is created, the target user ID is mapped to "Unassigned".


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