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Creating Tracks Link along with copy over attributes

Ratheesh Madathil (1371829) | asked Jul 12 '16, 1:01 p.m.
Hello All,

Is there any utility (java script or plug-in) known or available already for RTC to initiate link by also copying over few attributes.
Use case:
Project Area1 , work item1 -> Create a Tracks link to Project Area 2 and create a new work item.
When opening up the new work item window, can we populate some attributes automatically from Project Area1, Work item1 ?
(e.g. Summary, Priority etc..)

Thank you.

One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jul 13 '16, 3:34 a.m.
edited Jul 13 '16, 3:35 a.m.
Well, actually after thinking about it again, I have done something like that. But I have not had the time to publish it and it was also only a prototype that worked on one project area.Most of the pieces are in post in my blog:

Ratheesh Madathil commented Jul 13 '16, 4:14 a.m.

Thanks a lot Ralph (as usual ;)).
It is great to know that at least you have some prototype there. From the given link which parts we should refer to get any kind of starting point?.
Thanks again..

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 13 '16, 5:28 a.m.

Consider what you want to do and search on my blog. Creating work items in the server API can be fond in the interesting links page on my site. For all the rest you can use the search field in the top right corner.

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