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How to get views from module via REST API

Simone Gronau (154) | asked Jul 05 '16, 1:32 p.m.
I know that I can query artifacts that belong to a certain module, project and view. That is a great functionality in the DNGReportableRestAPI.

But how do I get to the available views? Is there a special URL to get a list of all module views?

Accepted answer

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Ivan Bravo (1762) | answered Jul 05 '16, 2:12 p.m.
Hi Simone

Unfortunately that functional does not exist on DNGReportableRestAPI.
Currently the only option that you have is to open a module on DNG UI then on the left side you will see all the views related from there you can get view information to be used on DNGReportableRESTAPI.

If this functionality is really needed my suggestion is to create a request for enhancement so your request can be evaluate.
Simone Gronau selected this answer as the correct answer

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