How to handle estimation for defects that has linked tasks
I don't want my developers to put the estimation for defects that has linked tasks. Because having estimation both for parent defect and linked child tasks makes my metrics messy. So I want them to update estimations only to linked tasks. But the problem is without estimations we cannot close the defects. Is there any solution or workaround for this?
One answer
As far as I can tell, you have configured RTC so that an execution item requires an estimate in order to be closed. On the other hand you don't want an estimate on a defect if it has liked tasks. This is a classic requirements conflict. There is no built in solution that can handle the conflicting requirements you have.
You would have to create your own advisor that requires an estimate to be able to close a work item with enhanced logic that does not require it for defects with linked tasks.
You would have to create your own advisor that requires an estimate to be able to close a work item with enhanced logic that does not require it for defects with linked tasks.
Since I am new to RTC, please correct me if I am wrong. I was under impression its build in feature of RTC which will not allow us close the defect without estimation. But you are saying that its because of RTC configuration. So you mean to say that we can change this configuration using advisory to override this behavior. Is that right?
As far as I can tell, needed estimate to close a work item is work item save operational behavior. "Required attribute or required attribute for type and state". You can configure it, but not for such complex requirements as to find links and then don't require it. To enable that you would have to develop your own custom advisor/pre-condition.