How have others handled ad hoc tests during live test suite execution of manual scripts in RQM?
We are running RQM 5.0.2 at the moment and we have several teams that have customers witness test case execution. On a regular basis, the customer will request the test team to perform some ad hoc tests that either are variations to test cases they are already executing or are totally new test cases. Our teams are attempting to use RQM to follow the steps of a manual test script and capture the results during the actual test run. This leads to a problem since there is no way we know of to capture these ad hoc test scenarios during an actual live test suite execution run where the results would be included with the planned execution results. So, I am wondering if anyone else has this scenario and if so, how have you addressed it?
Thank you,
Jamie Berry.
One answer
Hi Jamie,
Once a test suite execution has started, additional tests cannot be added to the test suite execution. I would suggest to run the ad hoc tests separately from the test suite execution and add those test cases/test case execution records to the test plan so the results are included in the results for the test plan.