Querying custom attribute of type contributor via oslc
Hello everyone,
I am trying to get the name (Release Implementer Manager - Custom attribute) with the following query
https://server:port/ccm/oslc/contexts/_ZoC0QNS3EeGPlow7Bl9IAw/workitems?oslc.where=rtc_cm:state in ["ChangeRequestWorkFlow.state.s52"]"&oslc.select=dcterms:identifier,dcterms:title,rtc_ext:com.ibm.team.rtc.attribute.ncb.cr.dplendtime,rtc_ext:com.ibm.team.rtc.attribute.ncb.cr.relimpmgr{dcterms:contributor}
All is working fine except the last select attribute which is "com.ibm.team.rtc.attribute.ncb.cr.relimpmgr".
I am getting the following output of it
If you look at the above result I am able to get the user id "116303" of the release implementer manager but not his name. For reporting purposes, I would also like to fetch the name.
Need assistance in building the required query.
Thank You.