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RQ: Sorting test cases based on custom ID?

Natarajan Thirumeni (2981131) | asked Apr 26 '16, 3:05 a.m.
In Rational Quality manager, how can you manage to sort test cases based on test case name or other customized field ?

Lets say we need to sort out test case based on the following order, what is best way to get this achieved

Test Case 1

Test Case 2

Test Case 3

Test Case 4

Test Case 5

Test Case 6

Test Case 7

Test Case 8

Test Case 9

Test Case 10

Test Case 11

Test Case 12

Test Case 13

Test Case 14

Test Case 15

Test Case 16  etc.

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Natarajan Thirumeni (2981131) | answered Apr 26 '16, 3:09 a.m.
One way we've manged to get this working is to sort out test case based on the numeric ID (01 at the beginning of test case names). For example:

01 Test Case 1
02 Test Case 2
03 Test Case 3
04 Test Case 4
05 Test Case 5
06 Test Case 6
07 Test Case 7
08 Test Case 8
09 Test Case 9
10 Test Case 10

This is valid if you have test case in double digit, if you have more test cases, instead 01, use 001 and 0001 and so on. You'd still have to click on "modified date" and then hit one more time on the test case name to get the sorting to work.

If you've used other ways or has better suggestion please feel free to comment.

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