[closed] Problem while exporting custom plugin running JAVA SE 1.8 in Rational Integration Tester
I recently started working with custom functions in rational integration tester. I followed the steps correctly for developing a plugin using Eclipse for RCP available at (http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSBLQQ_9.0.0/com.ibm.rational.rit.ref.doc/topics/c_ritref_custom_funcitons_overview.html?lang=en). If the Bundle environment in manifest.mf is set to Java SE 1.8 Eclipse throws the following exception:
'Export Plug-ins' has encountered a oroblem, Processing inclusion from feature org.eclipse.pde.container.feature: Cundle GetRequest_1.0.0.qualifier failed to resolve.: Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8 Host plug-in JavaSE_0.0.0 has not been found.
If I remove the bundle environment dependency line from manifest or roll back to Java SE 1.7 the export is successful but the exported custom function dont get imported in RIT using the standard procedure. I have also tried exporting the custom functions github example (https://github.com/ibm-rtvs/Examples/blob/master/CustomFunctions/doc/customfunctions.md) but the same issue persists.
Any help in this regard will be much appreciated. Thanks
The question has been closed for the following reason: "Question is off-topic or not relevant" by rschoon Apr 20 '16, 6:41 a.m.