[closed] Mismatch of Data Retrieved from COBOL Program “B” when Called 800k Times At the Same Time
We are seeing mismatch of data retrieved from COBOL API program B.
This API is called 800k times early morning. Once we added another COBOL subroutine call to get data and time recently, we had to remove this update from production do to mismatch of data.
Program “B” makes 10 sub routines calls before updating the time stamp routine.
When we put the program in production, somehow the output of some of the calls were getting passed with the next call which didn’t belong to that record.
We can’t replicate it as we don’t have the ability of large volume in test region.
What would cause program B to do this? Our initialization never cause this issue before the time stamp routine. The records are literally seconds apart from one calls program “B” to the other call of program “B”.
Only happen when adding the 11th subroutine.
Note: all subroutine calls are COBOL programs.
A mystery!
Any insight would be much appreciated.
The question has been closed for the following reason: "Question is off-topic or not relevant" by rschoon Feb 11 '19, 2:25 a.m.
Jean Murphy
Feb 09 '19, 2:37 a.m.I found the issue...initialize in the right places!!!!