How to update workitem setting an empty collection using REST?

//Add a new members in a collection. This work fine
"": [
"rdf:resource": ""
"rdf:resource": ""
//Remove one item from a collection. This work fine to
"": [
"rdf:resource": ""
//Empty a collection. This does not work. There is no error, but nothing happing
"": [],
This is the command used to update in all tests
curl -k -b $COOKIES -H "Accept:application/x-oslc-cm-change-request+json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "If-Match: \"$ETAG\"" -X PUT --data-binary "@$WIID.json" "$HOST/resource/itemName/$WIID
Accepted answer

You need to change the URL a bit. For details, see this post:
Basically the URL in your case should become:
Basically the URL in your case should become: