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Bulk Export of RQM Test Scripts and Manual Steps

scott abbott (1111) | asked Mar 16 '16, 9:17 a.m.
 I have a one time task of writing all manual test_scripts and their manual steps to disk. I am trying to reverse engineer the database schema but the DW star schema is challenging. I have found the table: "planning_execution_script" and i simply need guidance and which tables will lead me to the "manual steps" associated with each.  We are using 8.0.4

2 answers

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Mehul Patel (9695) | answered Mar 21 '16, 1:55 a.m.

The table 'planning_execution_script' is not in the DW, are you sure it exist on the repository? And moreover if you need to load all the steps then DW would not be sufficient as it contains only the steps which are linked with requirements. REST API may be useful here See RQM Reportable REST API and RQM URL Utility.


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scott abbott (1111) | answered Mar 21 '16, 10:51 a.m.
I have an older version of RQM (4.04). I was able to reverse engineer the RQM DW schema.    All the relationships I need aren't actually stored in the database as direct relationships. The  table 'planning_execution_script' does exist in our schema and it joins to the 2 other big tables which store xml blobs (I can provide the sql if anyone cares).    I have to first parse a compressed XML blob (encoded in a deprecated version of utf-8).  Then pull out the list of manual test-steps with sections: description, expected_results, data, attachments from the xml. Then fetch each of those section’s content from RQM as another encoded/compressed blob. I was able to pull 2k manual test-scripts and contents in under 10 minutes. 

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