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How to restrict adding/modifying/ removing attachments based on status

Balamurugan Selvarasu (331430) | asked Mar 15 '16, 1:49 a.m.
 Hi All,

I want to restrict the user to add / modify / remove the attachments under links tab based on specific status.

Is it require a server plugin to implement this feature?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 15 '16, 3:59 a.m.
Yes, this requires a work item save advisor that you have to implement that check on work item save if there are changes to the attachments and if this should be allowed. is a simple advisor that could be used as starting point. Please note, you will have to compare the attachments in the old state and the new state to find out if there are changes and what they are.

Balamurugan Selvarasu selected this answer as the correct answer

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