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In RTC: How can we track or see the changes implemented in different Releases

Muhammad Moid (141634) | asked Mar 01 '16, 4:48 a.m.

In our current environment (without RTC), we move code changes in this sequence Dev --> QA --> UAT --> Prod. Then some new changes comes and we need to pass through the same sequence But some time we need to put changes directly to UAT. 

In RTC, how can we track or see that which changes was previously deployed in UAT or any other phase?

Muhammad Moid  

Accepted answer

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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Mar 01 '16, 5:43 a.m.
In the RTC Eclipse, go to Search -> Jazz Source Control -> Locate Change sets...
Add the workitem that has the change sets and add the UAT stream to the search target.
The Result column will inform if the change sets were in the UAT stream and if so how many change sets were included from the workitem.
Muhammad Moid selected this answer as the correct answer

Muhammad Moid commented Mar 02 '16, 2:49 a.m.

Thank you for your answer Shashikant.

Is there anyway in RTC to compare two releases and see work items in both. Also, changes done in source code of different releases?

Because of the frequently random changes in different phases, it is difficult for us to track which change was done in a specific release comparing it with current release.

Muhammad Moid commented Mar 02 '16, 8:30 a.m. | edited Mar 02 '16, 8:30 a.m.

 Can we achieve our objective from Search -> Jazz Source Control -> Locate Change sets ?

Shashikant Padur commented Mar 03 '16, 10:44 p.m.

Assuming you have two streams or snapshots for the releases you can compare one stream/snapshot to another stream/snapshot. This would show the differences between the releases.

I guess that is not what your are asking for. You want to know if the change sets associated to the workitem is included in two releases. You could add both the streams/snapshots (of the releases) to the target in the locate change set editor and it will show if the change sets is included or not.

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