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New Artifact Type in DOORS NG

Philip Hartman (111) | asked Feb 08 '16, 4:24 p.m.
There are only two artifact types in the default template of the DOORS NG free trial.

How can I add new artifact types so other options show in the drop-down list when creating/editing artifacts?  Also so that importing artifacts can create using the new types?

2 answers

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Jianoula Papadakis Kantos (16535) | answered Feb 08 '16, 4:49 p.m.
To answer your question directly, from the administrator drop down menu (which looks like a gear weal at the to right corner), select Manage project properties.  This KC topic explains more: Managing project properties in a requirements project

Glad to hear you are using the sandbox.  I hope you know about these tutorials:
I also have two videos I commander you watch
- Administrating project in RDNG
- Capturing requirements in RDNG

Hope this helps!

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Feb 08 '16, 5:50 p.m.
If you're talking about the sandbox projects on, unfortunately that's all you can get. The feature that Jianoula mentioned requires JazzAdmins/JazzProjectAdmins, which we don't have on

Jianoula Papadakis Kantos commented Feb 09 '16, 9:16 a.m.

Actually, you just need to be an administrator to your requirements project, which you are.  You can modify the properties of your project... Check it out ;)

Donald Nong commented Feb 09 '16, 5:58 p.m.

Are you really sure you can open the "Manage Project Properties" page within a sandbox project? I surely cannot. I have no problems with in my own environments.

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