How to fetch Module Baseline Artifacts using OSLC in DOORS Next Generation 5.0.2?
I want to fetch artifacts which belong to module baseline. I have the artifact URLs (Got using the 'Show Permalink for this Artifact...' menu.)
Sample URL :
I have tried the following code :
ClientResponse getResponse = client.getResource(<URL>, OslcMediaType.APPLICATION_RDF_XML);
Requirement req = getResponse.getEntity(Requirement.class);
This code always returns the current version of the artifact which is present in the module. It does not return the version of the artifact which is present in the module baseline. It ignores the "?moduleBaseline=https%3A%2F%2Fvinw2k12doors4192.eqvm.local%3A9443%2Frm%2Fbaselines%2F_G7uBVcjkEeWwjMkExxZskQ" URL query parameter.
How do I get the version of the artifact which is present in the module baseline?
Thanks in advance.
Donald Nong
Feb 01 '16, 7:56 p.m.I haven't been able to find any OSLC API to access the module baseline information either. The only way I can get the "versioned" information is access the baseline URL (following moduleBaseline=) itself - but the response is in a quite different format to the "usual" response of a module artifact.