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Creating the JUnit example project in RTC Version 6.x does not seem possible.

Constance Martin-Wilson (924) | asked Jan 28 '16, 3:02 p.m.
retagged Jan 28 '16, 4:49 p.m. by Patricia Der (5011)
In installed RTC Version 6.02 M2 (I think that was it).
I want to try out the JUnit Tutorial.

The 1st step in the tutorial  ... (  )

Says to do ---  In the Eclipse client, click File > New > Example
In my RTC Version 6 client, when I do a File > New, all I see is.. 

Work Item ,
Work item Query,
Work item from Template

NO Example.

Where is the Example?

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 28 '16, 3:33 p.m.
I am not sure if the JUNit Example is even possible in 4.x and higher. We have the Sample (Money That Matters/JKE Banking) project that you can depoy on the server. It is a lot more extensive and is the example of choice for several major releases now. Search the Product help for Money that Matters for guidance.

Ralph Schoon commented Jan 28 '16, 3:34 p.m.

You go to the Lifecycle Project Administration in the Web Admin UI and select the Sample menu entry by the way.

Constance Martin-Wilson commented Jan 28 '16, 3:45 p.m.

I cannot find a menu selection for "Lifecycle Project Administration"
Where is it?

I've started RTC Client version 6.0.1.
I'm sitting in a Team Artifacts Tab selected.
What do I do?

Constance Martin-Wilson commented Jan 28 '16, 4:17 p.m.

Must I -- for the Money Matters Sample --
(a) Install Jazz™ Team Server and at least (b) one of the CLM applications on my already overburden laptop?

 The Money Matters Sample seems kind of large.
I've got 4 jazz repositories (real prod dev) in my Team Artifacts. 
I'm not an Admin user in those repositories, of course.
I'm trying out something, and I just want to have my own little space to play out some things, and I'd like to use some samples to experiment in a sandbox.
Here are the instructions, which you probably already know about for Installing the Money that Matters sample

Can't I be directed a sample that is light weight?
Where I can point to a Sandox Server, use my RTC Client, do some Web App stuff, with html5, Css, etc. ? 

Can I ?

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Dejan Custic (2855) | answered Jan 28 '16, 4:15 p.m.
Hi Constance,

The Money that Matters sample is accessed from the web client. It's a large sample. There is Help here

Installing instructions are here

Regarding the JUnit example, It's not in 6.0.2, so it may have been removed. It was there in 6.0.1 as the Team Concert Example. I'll create a work item to investigate. If it's not there, we'll remove it from the Help.

Constance Martin-Wilson commented Jan 28 '16, 4:57 p.m.

Well, I guess I will stop complaining, and get on with installing everything.

I had already installed RTC 6.0.1
When I got the IBM Installer, there isn't anything that says  - Install Jazz™ Team Server and at least one of the CLM applications.

I chose the install option that said - Install Jazz Team Server, the trial license keys, and the applications.

I hope that was the right one.
Well its installing, al 1.4 Gigs of it.

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