DNG import from word doc hangs on extracting artifacts - how to debug
Running 502 . User is trying to import a small word doc into DNG . The import appears to stall after the upload stage.
We've tested the import on our testbed (also at 502) and it imports within a few minutes.
Nothing is recorded in the logs files that I can see.
How can we debug this ? Sny suggestions?
I'm enabling debug in rm and retrying the import but if I recall from past issues, the imports don't appear to report anything in the logs.
One answer
How about just forget about the debugging, and export the requirements from your testbed into a new Word document and then import into the other environment? You may want to do a test run in the testbed and see if the result is satisfactory.
While this may be a work-around, it does not address the underlying issue as to why it stalls - hence the debugging. After a server restart -the import worked.
While a restart may resolve the problem, it is not practical to do restarts during working hours.
If you can consistenly recreate the upload stalling, create a work item in the DNG repository and attach the document (remove any confidential data of course).
As Norman said in the original post, he could not even reproduce it in the testbed. It only occurred in the production environment.