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Move Data between 2 seprate/disconnected instances of RTC

Nakul Saligram (1122) | asked Jan 25 '16, 3:11 a.m.
Hi ,
I have requirement from a client who has 2 disconnected instances of CLM and wants to move /transfer the workitem data between them as an ongoing process (ie for nearly a year ) where data will be moved on a biweekly basis
The requirement also needs
1)the links to be present
2)the attachments to be present

The only means of communication between the place where the 2 instances are kept would be through mail , the reason is our present instance of RTC is not connected to the internet and will not be 

Basically we are trying to mirror the the 2 instances so that both the places are seeing the same data

I understand that this completely goes against the principles of Collaboration ,but this the requirement , would greatly help if anyone has any suggestions


One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jan 25 '16, 3:27 a.m.
For all I know, you would have to come up with a sophisticated export/import process. This process would have to also provide means to identify the work item twins in both repositories, to allow finding the items again and maintaining the links, since you can't make sure that the work item id's are the same in both repositories as you can create new ones in any of the repositories.
You would have to be able to deal with conflicts e.g. changes on a work item in one repository and its twin in the other.

This is going to be a major effort at best. All I can do really is to point you to some API examples that might be of interest.

A RTC WorkItem Command Line Version 3.0
Extension to generate unique custom work item numbers

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