DNG 6.0.1 - how do I update artifacts that match entries, and ignore new entries?
I can see if the what's new for 6.0.1, a screen shot for "Import Requirements" (see below) butt cannot seem to figure out how to access this feature in DNG 6.0.1. I cannot find any references to importing requirements in the on-line help either. Can someone point me to some documentation or a video that details how to import a set of requirements for updating? I have an attribute that I want to update for a whole set of requirements so wanted to use this new CSV update artifact capability.
Accepted answer
Please refer to the information in 6.0.1 New & Noteworthy
It states:
Identification of existing requirements
When you export requirements to a CSV file, an ID column is included. You can use this column to find existing requirements upon import. If you select the option to update requirements, the requirement is updated. You can updated the following properties: name, description, primary text, artifact type, and all user-defined attributes.
I hope this helps.
Kind regards,
2 other answers
To find on-line documentation, I find that google is often the best choice.
In particular, if you google "dng import csv", the first hit will be a reference to the on-line documentation:
Importing requirement artifacts from a CSV file by using IBM ...
I did not appreciate Geoffrey Clemm's answer for two reasons: 1) it is subtly condescending and 2) the link is unhelpful. The reason the link was unhelpful to me is because the document it points to offers no assistance with importing and updating artifacts in DNG. It only makes a passing reference to the update capability while offering no information on how to engage it. The article discusses an "Identifier" column for CSV and Excel imports, but explains its use this way, "The Identifier column is required for module related imports. The identifier is used to establish a parent relationship between the CSV records representing the module artifacts. The identifier is also used to group the module artifacts with their modules." This is not a solution to the original post's question.