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RTC 6.0.0 Urbancode Deploy integration - how does the "deploy type" get set by RTC?

Mark Boyd (333) | asked Dec 18 '15, 3:20 p.m.
edited Dec 18 '15, 5:35 p.m. by Patrick Remington (2013)
 With the new integration with UCD in RTC 6.0.0, what establishes the "deploy type" that is passed to UCD?  Where is that value set in RTC?  

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Patrick Remington (2013) | answered Dec 18 '15, 5:27 p.m.

Hi, Mark.  Take a look at Integrating "Rational® Team Concert and IBM UrbanCode Deploy" at

and its subtopic Creating build definitions for IBM UrbanCode Deploy at

Does step 11a. answer the question?  In the Trigger Policy section, select the appropriate options for triggering a post-build deploy.

Mark Boyd commented Dec 18 '15, 6:56 p.m.

  Hi Patrick,  Thanks for the reply.  I should have been more specific in my question.  I'm talking about doing an integration for zOS (Enterprise Extension) package and deployment. I want to configure the Enterprise Extension package to be delivered to UCD and create a version.  I see how to enable that in the package configuration, and it will create the version in UCD, but there is no deployment type assigned to the components.  How do the deployment types get assigned in UCD?

Thank you.

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