Precondition "Read-Only Attributes for Type and State" and Team Areas
- modification of a work item in the initial state
- creation of a new work item
Accepted answer
I found and modified the code for the advisor to create a new setting for the create case.
I did not update the UI.
it was really the nothing -> new state transition save (create)
vs the new -> still new save
I added config thru the process config XML for the nothing->new case.. see the answer below, as I can't paste that much into a comment
here is the process xml for my advisor.. it IS the same as the product provided one, except I added the extra keyword, onCreate
so the product version is used for all the normal settings and our was used for just the create case.
<precondition description="required properties only during create" id="com.xx.extensions.advisor.requiredProperties" name="xx Required Properties Advisor">
<workflowProperties onCreate="true" stateId="s1" workItemType="defect">
<property id=""/>
<property id=""/>
<property id=""/>
<property id=""/>
One other answer
It will not update the UI with this information, if you want that, please read the section in that discusses how that actually works.
You can use or its predecessor, customize it for your purposes and use that, if you want the UI to show the read only information.
A custom pre condition/advisor is easier to maintain but it does not give the UI clue. A condition would require to maintain settings if you add attributes.