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Which is the right way to restrict users from delivering to a Stream?

3 answers

WRT whether the child precondition overrides the master precondition, the child precondition definition for an operation overrides the master precondition, unless the master precondition declares it to be final, in which case the master precondition would take precedence.
WRT whether you should change the ownership of the components themselves, the ownership of the component determines read access to the component, and has no affect on who can deliver to that component in a given stream (except, of course, that if you do not have read access to a component, you cannot do anything to it, including deliver to it, since you cannot even see it).
WRT why Test_Jazz_Developer can still deliver to the stream, remember that for permissions, if *any* role held by that developer can deliver, the developer can deliver. Also, remember that the search for the permissions for a given role starts at the "nearest" process area (in this case, the child project area). So to do your testing, first make no role in either the master or child project area have deliver permission. Then incrementally add back deliver permission to the roles that should have it, and that should make it clear where the Test_Jazz_Developer is being given deliver permission.

Hi Geoff,

I would respond that it is not acceptable for it to not be acceptable to allow customizations in the child area. You should not be defining anything in the master project area beyond re-usable process configuration definitions ... so no team areas, streams, work items, releases, timelines, etc. I wasn't sure how your last paragraph about one stream per team and updating a common stream relates to this thread.

Since you restricting delivery to every component in the stream, you should be able to set the owner of the Stream to a Team Area in your Child Project Area. This team area should not contain anyone who you don't want to allow delivery.
Then, in the Team Permission in the process configurations, make sure that "Everyone" does not have permission to deliver change sets to a stream. (By default, they will not).
Hope this helps!

Hi Melissa,
I created a team area in child project area. Made it to be owner of StreamA. This team area has only one member "Build_Master" added to it.
In the Team Configuration > Permission (of Master Project Area), in the process configurations, ensured that "Everyone" does not have permission to deliver change sets to a stream.
Then tried delivering a change by user "Test_Jazz_Developer" and was able to deliver. What can be done?

Can you try making sure that Test_Jazz_Developer is not a member of the parent project area and see if that prevents them from being able to deliver?
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