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Strange error when make OSLC query in RTC 6.0.1M1

Dinyo Dinev (311234) | asked Oct 14 '15, 11:25 a.m.
edited Oct 14 '15, 11:32 a.m.
Hi I when I make OSLC query: ?oslc.paging=true &oslc.pageSize=10 &oslc.where=dcterms:modified%3E%3D%222015-10-10T10:47:47.336Z%22 +and +rtc_ext:AttributeID%3D%3Chttps:// &oslc.prefix=dcterms%3D%3C, rm_property%3D%3Chttps://, dc%3D%3C, rtc_ext%3D%3CC


I have one result but when change modified to created only :,rm_property%3D%3Chttps://,dc%3D%3C,rtc_ext%3D%3CC

I have:

            xmlns:oslc="" >
    <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="A0">
        <oslc:message>Unknown attribute id: [created]</oslc:message>
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>

    Why this is happening? Is that RT bug? When I tried with to dates using created everything is ok.


Ginny Ghezzo commented Oct 22 '15, 10:59 a.m.


Are you seeing the same behavior in CLM 6.0? Or what was the last version that you know worked? 
Also, do you have more on the scenario and use case. 
Thank you
Ginny Ghezzo 

Donald Nong commented Nov 03 '15, 10:41 p.m.

For what it's worth, I tested with the exact version of CCM and did not see the said issue. <dcterms:created> works fine with >, < or = in the OSLC query.

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