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RTC DOORS DWA Integration Issue

I am trying to integrate RTC6.0 with DOORS DWA 9.5.2 version. I followed below links to do the integration.
When I try to add the associations in RTC project area by selecting DOORS, it takes me to DOORS login page and then shows below error message.
Failed to read matching artifact container catalog resource:
Unable to load URL: /ccm/proxy?uri=http://xyz.com:8080/dwa/rm/discovery/catalog&oauth_token=725fc94c-a72a-49a8-9969-2a7b6e139fcd&request_token_secret=undefined&oauth_provider=undefined, Status: 500
Next time onwards the error message will be like below-
Failed to read matching artifact container catalog resource:
Unable to load URL: /ccm/proxy?uri=http://xyz.com:8080/dwa/rm/discovery/catalog, Status: 500
Based on http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21626622 link I checked OAuth Consumers keys and it is matching.
Does DOORS DWA should be using https:// and not http://? Is that the problem?
Any help will be highly appreciated.