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Multiple Users

Erik anderson (38315029) | asked Jul 24 '09, 10:22 a.m.
There was a change in LDAP that propagated to RTC and now the user can not loggin:

00000064 LTPAServerObj E SECJ0369E: Authentication failed when using LTPA. The exception is Multiple users with the name of
00000064 FormLoginExte E SECJ0118E: Authentication error during authentication for user

I only see 1 user with this id in the admin web ui. How can I resolve this problem?

Donn Anderson commented Apr 14 '16, 2:32 p.m. | edited Apr 14 '16, 11:04 p.m.

Erik I know this is an old post - did you ever resolve this?  I am now seeing the same issue with a very small fraction of users

One answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Apr 14 '16, 11:03 p.m.
Such issue should be addressed on the LDAP server side, not the Jazz side. Use an LDAP client such as ldapsearch to query to the LDAP server with the _exact_ configuration in the application server (host, port, user base, filter and etc) and see if there are multiple entries returned. If so, make necessary changes on the LDAP server to eliminate the duplicate entries.

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