strange results with server rename of RNDG 5.0.2 iFix07
I cloned my production data in the normal way and did a server rename onto a sandbox server and the server rename was successful. I am not seeing my requirements in the requirement project areas. I can see links to them in some of the viewlets and when I click on one of them I get:
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I have never seen this happen on a server rename, this is the first I have done on 5.0.2 to 5.0.2
Is there anyway to fix this, extra step now?
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Is there anyway to fix this, extra step now?
8 answers
The upgrade was from 4.0.5. Today I'm with 5.0.2, iFix13.
In my case, the problem occurs when I access the link https://hostname:9443/rm/web
One of the project areas is not listed and when I see the rm.log, there is the error:
2016-08-29 13:44:58,392 [ WebContainer : 7] ERROR - Invalid or incomplete well known type cache encountered for project <https://hostname:9443/rm/process/project-areas/_LFwMUGsEEea75IbrPp2Xa>
I got this error when going from 4.0.3 -> 5.0.1. It turned out the rm upgrade did not finalize the app correctly. Are you able see your regsistered RM app in the jazz admin console and can you hit "Settings" without errors?
screenshot of my reg apps:
I am getting this same behavior with 5.0.2-iFix15. I was taking our production data copy to our test environment. We have done this before with without issue in 4.0.2, 4.0.6 and also once before with 5.0.2.
I was not doing an upgrade.
We have RTC and DNG. All Server diagnostics (JTS, RTC and RRC) are all successful. I will not elaborate on other things I am seeing since it appears that several have seen this issue. I just don't see a resolution.
My apps are registered.
Probably going to do a PMR for this.