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RDNG 5.0.2 Validated By does not display on a module view when added as a column to the view

Chris Lockard (2549) | asked Sep 22 '15, 10:23 a.m.
In RDNG 5.0.2, If I create a View on a Module to include the 'Validated By' Link, the Validated By does not populate.  I can see the Validated By link in the individual artifact, in the Collection view, and in the "hover" on the Artifact ID within the Module.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Sep 22 '15, 9:42 p.m.
I believe you are confused about base artifacts and module artifacts, or even are not aware such difference exists. It is quite likely the link is associated to the base artifact and you cannot see it in a module view. To improve this, click on the third icon from the left at the top right corner of a module view, and it should says "include links, tags and comments from base artifacts", then you should see the links.
Chris Lockard selected this answer as the correct answer

Chris Lockard commented Sep 23 '15, 9:48 p.m.

Thanks, Donald -- That did the trick.

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