RAD 6.0.1 and RTC 2.0 - possible?
8 answers
kullrich wrote:
where can I get the right RAD Plugin?
We use RAD 6.0.1 and want to test the RTC 2.0. Is that possible.
Thanks for help.
No. RAD 6.0.x was based on Eclipse 3.0 and RTC requires 3.4.x so you
should migrate to RAD 7.5
Hope this helps,
Hi Chemi,
thank you.
How can we make a "fast" update from RAD 6.0.x to RAD 7.5?
kullrich wrote:
RAD 6.0 can't be upgraded to RAD 7.5, you should install RAD 7.5 from
scratch and then migrate the workspace.
Check these two links:
- Migrating workspaces and projects from version 6.0.x or version 7.0.x:
- Compatibility with version 7.0.x and version 6.0.x:
Hope this helps,
Hi Chemi,
thank you.
How can we make a "fast" update from RAD 6.0.x to RAD 7.5?
RAD 6.0 can't be upgraded to RAD 7.5, you should install RAD 7.5 from
scratch and then migrate the workspace.
Check these two links:
- Migrating workspaces and projects from version 6.0.x or version 7.0.x:
- Compatibility with version 7.0.x and version 6.0.x:
Hope this helps,
kullrich wrote:
Hi Chemi,
thank you.
How can we make a "fast" update from RAD 6.0.x to RAD 7.5?
RAD 6.0 can't be upgraded to RAD 7.5, you should install RAD 7.5 from
scratch and then migrate the workspace.
Check these two links:
- Migrating workspaces and projects from version 6.0.x or version 7.0.x:
- Compatibility with version 7.0.x and version 6.0.x:
Hope this helps,
Ok. The migration won't be practicable for us. Which RTC version supports RAD 6.0?
kullrich wrote:
I think the question is the other way, which version of RAD supports RTC?
RAD 7.5.0, 7.5.1, 7.5.2 and 7.5.3 support RTC 1.0.x and in the future,
RAD 7.5.? will support RTC 2.0 although many people is using it already
today without apparently any problems.
It is a matter of Eclipse platform used by the products so shell sharing
is possible or not.
Ok. The migration won't be practicable for us. Which RTC version
supports RAD 6.0?
I think the question is the other way, which version of RAD supports RTC?
RAD 7.5.0, 7.5.1, 7.5.2 and 7.5.3 support RTC 1.0.x and in the future,
RAD 7.5.? will support RTC 2.0 although many people is using it already
today without apparently any problems.
It is a matter of Eclipse platform used by the products so shell sharing
is possible or not.
ramfree17 wrote:
Shell sharing means have both products as a single one. In your case,
for example, have a RSA with all RTC features installed on it.
Of course, having both working separated will work always although you
will have to take care of workspace metadata compatibility between
different Eclipse versions.
which means shell sharing is not possible. we did that before during
the pre-1.0 RTC and what we did was check out the projects in RTC and
then share-import it in RSA. We need two IDE running but RTC by itself
is rather lean on the resources so everything went relatively well.
Shell sharing means have both products as a single one. In your case,
for example, have a RSA with all RTC features installed on it.
Of course, having both working separated will work always although you
will have to take care of workspace metadata compatibility between
different Eclipse versions.