How to use queryCapability to search in range with RDNG?
Hi, I am using 6.0.1 M2 . RDNG is implementing OSLC V2 and I find difficulties in making queryCapability URL for searching in range:
When I try:
10 results was returned.
But when I try to combine with and operator
Then I have 500 Internal Server Error
How I can make search in range? How to add and operator in the query URL? With Doors 9.5 this where query works fine.
When I try:
&oslc.paging=true &oslc.pageSize=10 &oslc.where=dcterms:modified>="2015-08-15T21:51:40.979Z"%5E%5Exsd%3AdateTime
10 results was returned.
But when I try to combine with and operator
&oslc.paging=true &oslc.pageSize=10 &oslc.where=dcterms:modified>="2015-08-15T21:51:40.979Z"%5E%5Exsd%3AdateTime
+and+ dcterms:modified<="2015-08-25T21:51:40.979Z"%5E%5Exsd%3AdateTime &oslc.prefix=dcterms=httр://purl.оrg/dс/tеrms/
Then I have 500 Internal Server Error
dcterms=httр://purl.оrg/dс/tеrms/ Encountered "" at line 1, column 17.
Was expecting one of:
(More info found at entry [b13b5076b3bc5dda] in the RM application server log)
How I can make search in range? How to add and operator in the query URL? With Doors 9.5 this where query works fine.
Accepted answer
It's very tricky when working with RM OSLC API. According to the article, we should use the "and" operator when using more than one filters, but it appears that the API just does not like it. I have found that using multiple "oslc.where" works just fine, same as using multiple "oslc.prefix". So the couple of "oslc.where" gave me a nice range for "dcterms:modified" (verified with RDNG 5.0.2).
One other answer
Your syntax isn't anywhere near correct - where you use:
NOTE the "and" should be between terms in the oslc.where value. Also all query parameter values (e.g. the bit after oslc.where=) MUST be URL encoded. The URL encoding is a http thing, nothing to do with DOORS Next or OSLC Query, it's simply required to make a decodable URL.
Tidying your example up and moving the and into oslc.where the parts of your query URL should look like this:
&oslc.where=dcterms:modified>="2015-08-15T21:51:40.979Z"^^xsd:dateTime and dcterms:modified<="2015-08-25T21:51:40.979Z"^^xsd:dateTime
And then url encoding the values (and only the values!) and combining into a single URL it looks like this (all one line): (untested!)