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Rational Team Concert Integration with Sharepoint

Sunita Dinakar (11413842) | asked Jun 09 '11, 2:18 a.m.
Dear Experts,

Is RTC integration with Sharepoint available in RTC or RTC 3.0 ? If yes, is there any help documents available on how this can be done?


2 answers

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Boris Kivshar (8686) | answered Jun 10 '11, 12:14 a.m.
I don't think there is SharePoint integration for version 3, but someone more closer to IBM may know.

The way our project has gotten around is by making a custom sharepoint type in RTC, with the sharepoint document item link. This still allows us to link SharePoint documents within tasks etc.

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Ken Creager (6542220) | answered Oct 24 '11, 4:59 p.m.
what do you mean by "making a custom sharepoint type"? Do you create a work item field that is essentially a URL link to the sharepoint object you want to link to ??


I don't think there is SharePoint integration for version 3, but someone more closer to IBM may know.

The way our project has gotten around is by making a custom sharepoint type in RTC, with the sharepoint document item link. This still allows us to link SharePoint documents within tasks etc.

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