How Can i fetch Basline Name from the Change set
Currently im developing a server side plugin and i can fetch the Changesets and Component Handle.
IComponentHandle cHandle = changeSet.getComponent();
IComponent component=
(IComponent) repositoryItemService.fetchItem(componentHandle, IRepositoryItemService.COMPLETE);
but how can i fetch the Baseline Name? I have tried by using IBaselineHandle but im getting an exception
IBaselineHandle baselineHandle = (IBaselineHandle) link.getSourceRef().resolve();
IComponentHandle cHandle = changeSet.getComponent();
IComponent component=
(IComponent) repositoryItemService.fetchItem(componentHandle, IRepositoryItemService.COMPLETE);
but how can i fetch the Baseline Name? I have tried by using IBaselineHandle but im getting an exception
IBaselineHandle baselineHandle = (IBaselineHandle) link.getSourceRef().resolve();