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Create or update an RTC Work Item via MVS / zOS batch job.

Hi, We have RTC 5.0.2 and also RTCz 5.0./2 MVS.
We want to create an RTC Work Item by running a batch job on MVS platform.
Do you have an example to
1. update an existing WI with a comment or change status?
2. create a new WI. Just passing basic info. eg. Summary, Type= Defect , Tags = aad , Description.
Sample job JCL and an exec to do such would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
We want to create an RTC Work Item by running a batch job on MVS platform.
Do you have an example to
1. update an existing WI with a comment or change status?
2. create a new WI. Just passing basic info. eg. Summary, Type= Defect , Tags = aad , Description.
Sample job JCL and an exec to do such would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
2 answers

I am not aware of an example for that. You might be able to use REST/OSLC for this. See https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ResourceOrientedWorkItemAPIv2#Creating_Work_Items for more information.
I have created this Java based solution https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2015/02/27/a-rtc-workitem-command-line-version-2-2/ but that requires the Plain Java API and I am not sure if you can run this on the Z.
I have created this Java based solution https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2015/02/27/a-rtc-workitem-command-line-version-2-2/ but that requires the Plain Java API and I am not sure if you can run this on the Z.

Thank you Ralf. I have not tested with Java solution as I do not know Java.
I found a sample REXX exec to run via PGM=BPXBATCH on MVS.
I am trying to add a comment into an existing RTC via MVS batch job. The job finds the RTC website and asks for authentication userid/password which get accepted. However, when it needs to find the existing Work Item it fails with " HTTP/1.1 302 Found "
What does that mean and how can I resolve it?
Thank you in advance. kal

I have no experience with that REXX script and with your environment so I can't help.
Here the meaning of http 302: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_302

There are various ways to invoke either a Java or Unix shell script from JCL (which can turn around and call Java). See http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=tss1wp101783&aid=1