rhapsody design manager 6.0 : Hostname in certificate didn't match:
I am trying to create connection with Rhapsody Design Manager through java code but after running java code, it throws following exception when try to login RDM server:
DM Client Exception: com.ibm.rational.rdm.sdk.DmClientException: com.ibm.xtools.rmpx.oauth.OAuthCommunicatorException: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: hostname in certificate didn't match.
Can anybody tell how to sort this issue? your help would greatly appreciated.
DM Client Exception: com.ibm.rational.rdm.sdk.DmClientException: com.ibm.xtools.rmpx.oauth.OAuthCommunicatorException: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: hostname in certificate didn't match.
Can anybody tell how to sort this issue? your help would greatly appreciated.
Accepted answer
The certificate that ships out of the box with the product is a generic one that is for localhost. You have to create your own self signed certificate or a real certificate, otherwise you get problems: https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/index.jsp?re=1&topic=/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/t_install_server_certificates.html&scope=null
There might be something in the API to ignore certificate errors. I don't know.
There might be something in the API to ignore certificate errors. I don't know.
2 other answers
Hi Ralph,
I am also facing same issue while connecting DM server using DM client sdk. I have tomcat server fr hosting DM application.
How to create own singed certificate for tomcat server and where to upload the new certificate by changing localhost to proper server url (https://servernem.domainname:9443/dm)
Any help would be appreciate
I am also facing same issue while connecting DM server using DM client sdk. I have tomcat server fr hosting DM application.
How to create own singed certificate for tomcat server and where to upload the new certificate by changing localhost to proper server url (https://servernem.domainname:9443/dm)
Any help would be appreciate
The yellow section is called a link. Click on the link in my answer above.
1 vote
Hi Vikas,
Did you resolve the error?
At which point are you now?
If you still have problems, please give us further information on your environment (application server: Tomcat or WAS (version?), OS, etc...).
1 vote
Hi Francois,
We have created our own self signed certificate and It working fine now. Thanks.