Is it possible to retrieve Master Project Area name using RTC 6.0 api's ?
Currently we are able to retrieve the Child Project Area details using RTC api's.
We wanted to retrieve Master Project Area details (specifically name) when Child Project Area is connected to any master project area.
We found the api to get project area :
Modifier and Type : IProjectAreaHandle
Method - Description : getProjectArea() - Returns the project area this attribute belongs to.
As per above method description "Returns the project area this attribute belongs to", here attribute belongs to Child Project Area.
Is it possible to directly get Master Project Area name (which is connected to the Child Project Area) without changing the attribute which belongs to Child Project Area using RTC api's from coding perspective.
Accepted answer
One other answer
my code from the accepted answer here
IProjectArea parentProject = (IProjectArea) (repo
IItemManager.DEFAULT, sPm));
System.out.println("have parent project name = "
+ parentProject.getName());