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Is there any way in RQM to change an attribute automatically when certain action is performed?

Federico Contreras (1313) | asked Jul 16 '15, 1:23 p.m.
 I'm interested on being able to change the owner of a test case or a test case execution record according to the last person who run the test. Is there any kind of tool in RQM that could help me do that]?

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paul chu (59411) | answered Jul 20 '15, 4:28 p.m.
Sorry, we don't have such feature in RQM.  However, for the owner of the test case execution record, we have a related project property.  In the Execution Preferences under Manage Project Properties, there is a setting for "Automatically assign executer as owner to test case and test suite execution record if owner is not assigned".

I would think the usual use case is to set the owner of the TCER before the execution to assign who to do what.  You can query to look for execution to-do.  The project property mentioned above would cover the other use case of no pre-assigned TCER, which we will set the owner of the unassigned TCER to the user who actually ran the execution.
Federico Contreras selected this answer as the correct answer

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