Import an entire DOORS 9.x project to DNG?

One answer

The answer to this questions is yes and no. This is something I have been doing for the past 6 months and the devil is in the detail.
You can use a REQIF file to bring across the data and the attribute values however this does not take advantage of the new DNG Types. If you are not going to be using the DNG types then probably no problems using this approach. If you wish to use the DNG types and import and convert DOORS 9 attributes to DNG types then this is problematic. DOORS NG does not give you a mechanism to mass convert types. The only way to do this is to manually select your requirements one by one and change the type.
There is a RFE in to get the API expanded to at least allow users to write scripts to be able to do this.
Please feel free to vote for it if you think this could be useful.
If you set the URI on the DOORS 9 attributes they should be imported as one type of attribute. (I don't believe this is working at the moment and have a PMR call in against it).
The CSV import is good and can be used to maintain the types by setting them in the CSV but you can only do module by module and recreate the hierarchy, The word import is also quite good and has the same limits as CSV as well as you wont get the attribute values but you can set the types.
So the answer is if you just want simple one way import then yes it can be done. If you want more detailed mapping it can partially be done. Overall this is an area I believe DNG has a long way to go.
Hope that helps