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RTC p2 plugin 5.0.2 installation within Luna cpp SR2

Adel Salah (1124) | asked Jul 08 '15, 5:21 a.m.


I downloaded  the luna cpp SR2 IDE and have installed the RTC p2 plugin 5.0.2 without installation errors. the problem was that I couldn't find those RTC Menu like Workspace Repositories. But when installing the p2 plugin in a java based IDE the menu appears correctly.

Could any one help please?



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Adel Salah (1124) | answered Jul 08 '15, 9:44 a.m.

it seems the P2 Plugin 5.0.2 doesn't support neither the eclipse version 4.3 (Kepler) nor 4.4 (Luna) but 4.2 (juno).

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