Get all requirement from Jazz server

I am trying to get requirement fields from RTC server using OSLC .
URL = queryCapabilityUrl + "&oslc.prefix=dcterms%3D%3C,rdf%3D%3C,oslc_rm%3D%3C*";
I am getting only these values:
Can we get more data from the server(more fields)?
One answer

What "more data" do you expect to see? Do you see only the properties restricted to the two namespaces that you specify in the OSLC URL?
Try removing the "oslc.prefix" parameter from the OSLC URL (effectively only append "&*" to the base query URL), and you should see _all_ the artifacts with _all_ the attributes.
P.S. I re-tagged your post as apparently you're using RDNG, not RTC.
Try removing the "oslc.prefix" parameter from the OSLC URL (effectively only append "&*" to the base query URL), and you should see _all_ the artifacts with _all_ the attributes.
P.S. I re-tagged your post as apparently you're using RDNG, not RTC.